Wix is a great platform which enables you to design your own website through a beautiful and simple user interface. Should you want to use your own domain name (example.co.za) and keep your website at Wix, you'll need to follow a couple of steps to enable this to work.

  1. Register your domain name and website hosting here
  2. Once your domain has been registered and your website hosting package is active, you need to update your nameservers by contacting us to do so, or doing so in cPanel. Wix makes use of a number of nameservers, two of which are as follows: ns12.wixdns.net and ns13.wixdns.net
  3. Now that your name servers are updated you need to login to Wix, and navigate to the DNS control panel. Click on the Edit DNS button
  4. Add a new A-record to ensure your email still works through the VE Host. The A record has the following details: 
    • Hostname: mail.yourdomain.co.za
    • Points to:  Mark: , Matthew:, Mahala:
  1. Add a DKIM TXT record to ensure email security and authentication:
    • Hostname: default.domainkey.yourdomain.co.za
    • TXT value: Copy this from your cPanel under edit Zone editor
  2. Add a SPF TXT record to ensure email security and authentication:
    • Hostname: yourdomain.co.za
    • TXT value: Copy this from your cPanel under edit Zone editor
  3. Add a DMARC TXT record to ensure email security and authentication:
    • Hostname: _dmarc.yourdomain.co.za
    • TXT value: v=DMARC1; p=none
  4. Add a SPF record with the same details as the SPF TXT record created in step 6.
  5. Lastly, add an MX record:
    • Hostname: yourdomain.co.za
    • Points to: mail.yourdomain.co.za

See below a screenshot of what your Wix DNS should look like:

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